Real action version of the 1994 Disney animation classic. The story follows the life of little Simba, a lion cub who lives happily in the savanna with the rest of his family. His father Mufasa is the leader of the pack, something that does not stop accepting his brother Scar, who will try by all means to get rid of him...
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Rex is the corgi puppy most loved by the British monarch. At Buckingham Palace, Rex lives a life of luxury. Of course, his arrogance can be quite irritating. After causing a diplomatic incident, he will be forced to live like a stray dog in the streets of London...
Read more ...New movie about the popular superhero Spider-Man. This time we will meet Miles Morales, a young man who acquires superpowers after being stung by a spider and who, since then, is dedicated to leading a double life in which he combines his adolescent routine in high school with patrolling the city and persecuting villains. Luckily, to learn the gajes of the trade, will have a great teacher: the very Peter Parker...
Read more ...After the destruction of his ship, the young Willy separates from his parents with whom he traveled through space. Your rescue capsule lands on a wild and unexplored planet. With the help of Buck, a survival robot, he will have to wait until the arrival of the rescue mission. Meanwhile, Willy, Buck and Flash, an alien creature that they have made friends with, will set out to discover this planet where they landed by chance...
Read more ...Have you ever wondered where the dolls with which the girls and boys play come from? They live in a magical city where everything is perfect. Of course, on the other hand, the UglyDolls, the imperfect stuffed animals, live in UglyVille. A world in which nobody judges them and in which they feel happy and protected...
Read more ...Dumbo is a small elephant born in the circus of Max Medici (Danny DeVito). His huge ears quickly make him the laughingstock of everyone except two young children, Joe (Finley Hobbins) and Milly (Nico Parker), the children of Holt Farrier (Colin Farrell), a former circus star who has just returned from war and that you must face the changes of your life while dealing with this little animal. But the life of this tender pachyderm will change when he discovers that precisely thanks to his big ears he can fly. At that moment, the enterprising V...
Read more ...June is a girl with an overflowing imagination, who likes to create imaginary, magical amusement parks...
Read more ...The charismatic Sir Lionel Frost is a researcher of myths and monsters looking for a legendary creature, the missing link that unites man and beast. When he discovers a strange and kind being, of a huge size, hairy and who knows how to speak, decides to call him Mr. Link. This creature is the last of its kind, and as it feels very lonely, together they will decide to travel to the other side of the world to find their own. They will have the help of Adelina Fortnight, a free and adventurous spirit, a woman ahead of her time and ex-girlfriend of Frost himself...
Read more ...Tiny Christopher Robin has now become a great man and has entered into an adult family with his own family and focusing on his job in trying to have a life full of both himself and his family...
Read more ...The family of monsters decides to make a surprise to their friend Dracula and to all go on a monster cruise to make him relax and take a break from taking care of the hotel where he wants all his guests to have the the most beautiful holiday. It is now his turn to have fun and others to take care of what is needed to make a perfect vacation...
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