Horror film that delves into the seemingly innocent world of imaginary friends. When Jessica returns with her family to her childhood home, her youngest stepdaughter, Alice, begins to develop a strange attachment to Chauncey, an adorable-looking teddy bear she finds in the basement...
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After taking her vows as a nun, a young American is sent to Rome to begin her life as a nun serving the Church. However, once there she comes face to face with darkness, which will shake her own faith and she will discover an evil conspiracy that hopes to bring about the coming into the world of the son of Satan himself. This film is the prequel to the successful 1976 film: The Prophecy...
Read more ...Cecilia (Sidney Sweeney), a devout nun living in the United States, embarks on a new journey to a remote convent in the distant Italian countryside...
Read more ...The manager of an amusement park, Fiona (Wilma Lidén), must take care of a couple of old friends who have won a Halloween contest with a most exclusive gift: an entire night to themselves in the empty park. But the cotton candy, the rides and the laughter become something completely different when they realize they are not alone in the park...
Read more ...Based on the short film by Rod Blackhurst and Bryce McGuire (who also directed this feature), the film tells the story of Ray Waller (Wyatt Russell), a baseball star forced to retire early due to an illness that prevents him from playing. Trying to start a new life, he moves into a new house with his wife Eve (Kerry Condon), his teenage daughter Izzy (Amélie Hoeferle) and his young son Elliot (Gavin Warren). Secretly hoping to recover and return to professional sports, Ray convinces Eve that the fabulous backyard pool at his new home will be fun for the kids and serve as physical therapy for him...
Read more ...Set between the events of Saw and Saw II, we see how the sick and desperate John heads to Mexico to undergo an experimental treatment in the hope of being cured of his cancer diagnosed as fatal. The process is sold as something very risky and expensive, but he feels that he has nothing to lose. However, he will realize the error of his ways seeing how the entire operation is a fraud to exploit those in the most vulnerable position. Now he has nothing to lose, and John, full of rage, sets out towards a new and dark purpose, resuming his work as a serial killer to give the scammers what they deserve...
Read more ...Since the death of his pregnant wife in an earthquake in Haiti 12 years ago, Victor Fielding (Leslie Odom Jr.) has had to raise and care for his daughter, Angela, on his own. At times, it seems like he has managed to raise a happy and healthy young woman. But one day Angela and a friend disappear in the nearby forest without apparent explanation, returning three days later without remembering what happened to them. From this moment on, a series of inexplicable and terrifying events occur that will make Victor fear for the life of his daughter...
Read more ...1963, Halloween. A group of teenagers from a small American town eagerly await their confrontation with ‘October Boy’, a murderer who carries a sharp butcher knife...
Read more ...Horror and suspense drama starring Jess (Michelle Monaghan), a recently separated woman who has to move to the old family farm with her teenage daughter, Tyler, and her eight-year-old son, Owen. One night the family dog detects something strange coming from the forest and goes looking for it. On her return from the forest darkness, she savagely attacks Owen. Jess urgently takes him to the hospital to treat the bites, but her condition worsens without anyone knowing the reason...
Read more ...In the region of Plymouth, Massachusetts, the Thanksgiving festivities are taken very seriously, a holiday that originated in that region. The table is set, the visitors arrive, the celebrations begin...
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