New movie about the popular superhero Spider-Man. This time we will meet Miles Morales, a young man who acquires superpowers after being stung by a spider and who, since then, is dedicated to leading a double life in which he combines his adolescent routine in high school with patrolling the city and persecuting villains. Luckily, to learn the gajes of the trade, will have a great teacher: the very Peter Parker. Together they will have to team up with the Spider-Man of different universes to be able to stop a danger that threatens to end reality as we know it.
This animated film based on the characters of Marvel Comics is co-directed by Peter Ramsey (The Origin of the Guardians), the debutant Bob Persichetti, in addition to the up to now screenwriter Rodney Rothman (Infiltrated at the university), who co-writes the script next to Phil Lord (The LEGO movie). The cast of voices of the original version is formed by the actors Shameik Moore (The Get Down) as Miles Morales, Brian Tyree Henry (Atlanta) as his father Jefferson Davis, Mahershala Ali (Moonlight) as the uncle of Miles, Aaron Davis, in addition to Liev Schreiber (The Fischer case) as Kingpin, Hailee Steinfeld (Giving the note 3) as Gwen Stacy, Lily Tomlin (Grandma) as Aunt May, John Mulaney (Big Mouth) as Spider-Ham and Nicolas Cage (Mandy) giving life to Spider-Man Noir.