
The years of formation in the life of J.R.R. Tolkien (Nicholas Hoult), the renowned author of the sagas The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. While finding friendship and inspiration among a group of writers and artists of the school, their brotherhood is strengthened as they grow and resist love and loss together. In addition, in the life of the author will appear his beloved Edith Bratt (Lily Collins) and also the outbreak of the First World War, which will threaten to destroy his brotherhood. All these experiences will inspire Tolkien to write his famous Middle Earth novels.
Biopic directed by Dome Karukoski (Tom of Finland, The Grumpy) and starring Nicholas Hoult (X-Men: Dark Phoenix, The Favorite) as J.R.R. Tolkien. Complete the cast Lily Collins (Extremely cruel, evil and perverse), Anthony Boyle (Z, the lost city), Tom Glynn-Carney (Dunkerque), Colm Meaney (The journey) and Derek Jacobi (Tomb Raider).

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