New installment of the 007 saga, the famous British MI6 spy created by the writer Ian Fleming. In this film, franchise number 25, James Bond (Daniel Craig) has left active duty and enjoys a quiet life in Jamaica. But his break is short-lived, because his old CIA friend Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) will appear asking for his help. The mission of rescuing a kidnapped scientist will turn out to be much more complicated than expected, as Safin (Rami Malek), a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology, will appear in the middle of it all. Bond’s allies on this mission will be his former acquaintances M (Ralph Fiennes), Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) and Q (Ben Whishaw), in addition to a new Agent 00 (Lashana Lynch). Doubts will assail him when Bond looks with concern at the dark secrets that Madeleine Swann (Léa Seydoux) hides, secrets that in case of coming to light would end him.