Category Movies

The Predator

A sniper named Quinn encounters a Predator who defeats him in the battle and captures him. He takes his armor to the Predator and sends it to his son, Rory, and takes the extraterrestrial to a secret government lab to perform experiments and analyzes. Quinn is subsequently arrested by government officials and brought to a prison where he meets a group of deserters. The reason he arrived here is that the Predator managed to free himself and run from the lab, killing a group of scientists in his escape...

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After breaking up with his lawyer’s girlfriend for interfering with a case in which she was working and reading classified papers, and then fired both herself and her from the press trust she was employed with, an investigative journalist named Eddie he tries to fix things and return to the good world of the press, deepening the subject that has brought him so much trouble. He comes without a host of an extraterrestrial symbiote that offers him a violent alter ego known as Venom...

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The film’s story centers on commander Jake O’Neill, whose most recent mission ends tragically, forcing him out of the army. One day, an older girlfriend named Jade asks for her help to destroy a corrupt businessman who orchestrated her father’s murder that kept him from meeting certain plans...

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Jackson and Angela are leading a profitable business that is based on scams. They claim to be experts in hunting ghosts and take advantage of the naivete of their clients who are fooling them with false spy detection equipment and Angela’s alleged paranormal visions. Engaged in investigating an old house of children believed to be haunted, the two discover a terrifying past of the building; many children were slaughtered and tortured, silenced by a sadistic murderer. Angela was about to give up psychically – having insomnia and being close to losing her mind, she is no longer sure of what is real and what is false...

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Await Further Instructions

Thanks to the Christmas holiday, the Milgram families gather together to spend together a few days after years that they have not seen before. Soon they get caught in their house at the suburbs of the city when a mysterious substance surrounds their house and then realizes that all the windows and doors are locked out, unable to get out. Trying to understand what is happening to them, believing they are the victims of either an industrial accident or a terrorist attack with chemicals, they go on TV to find out some news about the situation. Only by turning on her TV I see only a repetitive message that urges them not to leave the house and wait for further instructions...

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The Darkest Minds

The overwhelming majority of children died of a mysterious disease that departed over the United States, and only 2% who managed to escape chose with some overwhelming powers that made adults fear them, and the officials decided that they would be taken and sent to camps specially arranged for children with supernatural powers. They are divided into colors, from the most dangerous to the most harmless...

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King Lear

Running in an alternate universe of the 21st century, London is an ultra-militarized place, and King Lear calls his family one evening to announce the division of the kingdom and the giving of each of his daughters some of it. The two older daughters, Regan and Goneril, express their love and loyalty to their father and each receive a portion of the kingdom. But Cordelia’s younger daughter, Cordelia, believes that the act of verbalising these feelings towards her father is superficial and refuses to obey...

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Black 47

After exhausting all the savings he had so far enlisted to enroll a basketball team in a Harlem tournament, Dax has a lot of obstacles he does not expect and over which he is very hard to pass – one of them was the loss of the team in favor of a great rival. Being desperate to win the tournament and get his hands on the big prize money, Dax meets the unique, legendary Uncle Drew and convinces him to return to the field for a last big match and help him win this tournament...

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Hotel Artemis

A woman known only after the nickname “Assistance” runs a hospital with state-of-the-art facilities and exceptional security where the criminals and offenders in Los Angeles who have previously made a paid subscription with impressive sums are admitted. When a bank crusher brings wounded complicit after an unpleasant end of robbery to be treated in this particular hospital, with more than $ 18 million worth of property, a mafia boss known as Wolf Both King and police are trailing...

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Leo is a cash-ready boy whose family offered him whatever he wanted and grew up being spoiled and disrespectful of his inferior social. One day, Kate, a single mother in the working class, is hired to clean up on his yacht, but after refusing to meet a requirement, he fired her without paying him anything. Karma turns against Leo and, after an accident, loses his memory and is abandoned in the hospital. Kate takes the opportunity and goes to “claim it”, lying to everyone, including Leo, that she is his wife...

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