This film is the fifth and final installment of the After saga, based on the best-selling novels by writer Anna Todd. Hardin (Hero Fiennes Tiffin) is going through creative block. Everyone is dying to read his new and highly anticipated book, but he is not making progress and continues to put off the publisher’s time. And inspiration cannot be rushed, and on top of that he feels alone, broken, lost, because nothing matters to him if Tesa (Josephine Langford) is not there. Hardin can’t stop thinking about her, about her unfinished love story. He can’t imagine himself without her, without having her by his side. To get over it, Hardin decides to travel to Lisbon, Natalie (Mimi Keene) is there, and he owes her an apology, but how can he explain to Natalie what’s going on with Tessa. Heartbroken, divided, wondering what it will be like to live life without his better half, only one question remains: what if it all ends here?