Category Romance

Love, Simon

A story of maturing a bloody boy named Simon Spier who goes through all sorts of trials worthy of the story of Romeo and Juliet. Simon has a love affair with a boy he knows only under the pseudonym of Blue and is in touch with him through the email. The problem is that Simon does not even have the slightest idea who he really is talking about...

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Happy Anniversary

A romantic comedy in which Sam and Mollie are almost three years old when they become a couple, but although it should be a moment of celebration, shortly before this moment the two find themselves in a deadlock and they will have to decide what they will do with their lives, if it is worthwhile to continue the relationship started three years ago or it is time to end the love story...

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James is an undercover British agent who claims to be an engineer, while Danny is a biomatematist who is working on a dive project deep in the sea to explore the origins of life on our planet. In a casual encounter spent in an isolated Normandy resort, the two love each other quickly and dive into a wild love affair, despite the fact that their craft is destined to break them apart. Danny sets out in a bold dive at the bottom of the ocean, and James arrives in Somalia where he is absorbed in a geopolitical vortex that puts him in great danger...

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